Mayra Soto

Chávez The Radical IV: We Should be Radical (English version)

Chávez The Radical IV: We Should be Radical (English version)

Defenders of the status quo cast radicals as naive dreamers, anti-social disruptors, or even irrational extremists – anything to discredit and derail radical movements for change. In reality, radicalism is about digging to the root of things and finding their essential nature. The dominant classes seek to obscure the roots of their illegitimate privilege because…

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Hacia la conformación de un Estado Comunal»

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Hacia la conformación de un Estado Comunal»

Uno de los grandes aciertos propiciados por la Revolución Bolivariana radica en su capacidad de repolitizar al pueblo venezolano, que venía tras el ocaso del puntofijismo, de un letargo antipolítico que lo relegaba a padecer como simple espectador de la vida política nacional. Con Chávez vibraron nuevamente las fibras de la política venezolana, quien a…

Chávez The Radical VIII: Every Revolution Needs the Whip of the Counterrevolution (English version)

Chávez The Radical VIII: Every Revolution Needs the Whip of the Counterrevolution (English version)

In Chávez The Radical VIII, President Chávez recounts the incalculable damage wrought by the oil industry sabotage and military coup of 2002. That coup was facilitated by a practice we continue to see today: the deliberate manipulation of images by the corporate media to create the illusion that pro-Chávez demonstrators were firing upon peaceful opposition…

Chávez The Radical VII: “The Socialist Revolution Must Be Feminist” (English version)

Chávez The Radical VII: “The Socialist Revolution Must Be Feminist” (English version)

In Chávez The Radical VII, President Chávez reiterates his assertion that the Bolivarian Revolution is feminist. This declaration does not mean that the oppression of women has been eradicated from Venezuela; it highlights that the revolution has advanced gender equality in several concrete ways, while reinvigorating dialogue about the ways that sexism persists in Venezuelan…

Chávez The Radical IX: The Battle to Convince (English version)

Chávez The Radical IX: The Battle to Convince (English version)

Last Sunday, Venezuelans initiated the process of rewriting their constitution through democratically elected representatives. The final document will be subject to a nation-wide up or down vote. This process, enshrined in the 1999 constitution written after Chavez was elected, virtually unparalleled in democracies worldwide, presents an opportunity for the Venezuelan people to breathe life into…

Chávez The Radical X: No More Privatizations (English version)

Chávez The Radical X: No More Privatizations (English version)

Venezuelans will soon democratically elect an assembly to re-write their constitution. Although the mainstream media cast it as a political ploy, the referendum holds the potential to re-energize political participation and open avenues for social movements to contribute to a dialogue on how to resolve the current crisis, at a time when polls show three…

Chávez The Radical II (English version)

Chávez The Radical II (English version)

Hugo Chávez always sought to make the Venezuelan government more participatory and inclusive of all Venezuelans. This required him to take away privileges and power from the elites of the old regime, who had led the country into a miserable economic crisis and political collapse in the 1990s. Early in his presidency, a democratically elected…

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Debe imponerse la hegemonía de la Propiedad Social»

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Debe imponerse la hegemonía de la Propiedad Social»

En medio del intenso debate que surgió en Venezuela a partir del llamado a la Constituyente que realizó el Presidente Maduro, emerge nuevamente la histórica discusión en torno a la propiedad sobre los medios de producción. Vale decir en principio, que dicha discusión ha estado minada de confusiones y gazapos que la derecha ha venido…

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Aquí no se privatiza más nada»

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Aquí no se privatiza más nada»

La constitución del 99, aunque significa un logro importante para la vida política venezolana, como consecuencia del cierre de un período histórico nefasto, que abre a su vez el universo de posibilidades que engendraba la Revolución Bolivariana, conservó una serie de contradicciones, gazapos y debilidades así como omisiones estructurales, que obliga a la Revolución a…

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «La Batalla por convencer»

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «La Batalla por convencer»

A partir de la apertura del proceso constituyente en Venezuela, convocado por el Presidente Maduro el 1ero de mayo de 2017, se abre un panorama inmenso de posibilidades para la oxigenación y revitalización política del proceso bolivariano, amenazado por la despolitización, derechización o politiquerización como prácticas que atentan contra la integridad de la militancia revolucionaria,…