Resultados de la búsqueda de: chavez radical

[CHÁVEZ  RADICAL] «Sería espantoso que a Venezuela le aplicasen otro paquetazo neoliberal»

[CHÁVEZ RADICAL] «Sería espantoso que a Venezuela le aplicasen otro paquetazo neoliberal»

El chavismo como movimiento político nació a partir de una crítica profunda al neoliberalismo y al pacto de élites. Chávez lo dejó plasmado desde sus primeros escritos, y a lo largo de toda su vida política se encargó no solo de sostener una feroz interpelación al conjunto de políticas en las que se expresa esta…

[CHAVEZ THE RADICAL] «The land belongs to those who work it, not to the large landowners»

[CHAVEZ THE RADICAL] «The land belongs to those who work it, not to the large landowners»

When the Bolivarian Revolution passed legislation in 2001 to break up the feudal land tenure system and to distribute large tracts of unused land to collectives of peasant farmers, the large estate owners responded by implementing the systematic assassination of peasant leaders. In this video Hugo Chavez discusses the fallacies of previous land reforms, the…

[CHÁVEZ THE RADICAL] Socialism must be created at the grassroots level (English)

[CHÁVEZ THE RADICAL] Socialism must be created at the grassroots level (English)

“Who in their right mind would say that today Venezuela is a socialist country? No…we’d be fooling ourselves. We’re in a country that still lives in capitalism, it’s just that we’ve started on a path…” In 2009 Chávez met with grassroots community activists from the communal councils to discuss the construction of a socialism and…

[CHAVEZ THE RADICAL] “Enough betrayal” The Beginnings of Corruption

[CHAVEZ THE RADICAL] “Enough betrayal” The Beginnings of Corruption

Hugo Chavez traces the history of corruption in Venezuela recounting how the revolutionary projects of Simon Bolivar and Ezequiel Zamora were betrayed by the very men who struggled alongside them. “They split up amongst themselves the pieces of what should have been the homeland” and abused their status as companions of these principled leaders to…

Chávez the Radical XVIII: The Principal Instructor of the Conscience is Praxis (English subtitles)

Chávez the Radical XVIII: The Principal Instructor of the Conscience is Praxis (English subtitles)

The Bolivarian Revolution has been a long and difficult struggle replete with challenges and transformations as Hugo Chávez explains in this edition of Chávez the Radical. He tells the story of his early presidency, when he was full of doubt and ambiguity, and how the national bourgeoisie and international power brokers moved to domesticate him….